Agammaglobulinemia- non-Bruton type




Agammaglobulinemia, non-Bruton type is a rare form of agammaglobulinemia, which is a primary immunodeficiency characterized by very low levels of immunoglobulins (proteins made by the immune systemto help fight infections). People affected by this condition generally begin developing frequent and recurrent bacterial infections from about 6 months of age. Commonly diagnosed infections include lung infections (pneumonia and bronchitis), middle ear infections, conjunctivitis, sinus infections, various skin infections, and infections that are associated with chronic diarrhea.


  • Frequent bacterial infections of the respiratory system
  • Frequent bacterial infections of the digestive tract


Agammaglobulinemia, non-Bruton type can be caused by changes (mutations) in many different genes, including IGHM, IGLL1, CD79A, CD79B, BLNK, PIK3R1, and TCF3. In most cases, it is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner; however, families with autosomal dominant inheritance have been reported.


Treatment aims to boost the immune system, which may be accomplished by administering immunoglobulins through a vein (IVIG) or subcutaneously (SCIG). Frequent infections are generally treated with antibiotics.


  • NIH