Brown syndrome


Brown Syndrome is a rare eye disorder characterized by defects and errors in eye movements. Some people may be born with this disorder, congenital, or the disorder may be developed because of a pre-existing disorder. Tendons and muscles surround the eye and control its movements. These tendons move the eye ball up and down, side to side, and allow the eyeball to move freely in its socket. Brown Syndrome is caused by malfunctions of the tendon sheath. The superior oblique tendon sheath surrounds the eyeball and when it is not working properly the patient will experience Brown Syndrome (Strabismus). What happens is the tendon is too short, long, thick, or inflamed. This effect causes the eye to move upward. Sometimes a Brown Syndrome patient will tilt their head and their chin will rise in order to feel comfortable. When this occurs their eyes roll into their original place and the person is able to see much more clearly. Brown Syndrome, in the United States of America, is found in every 1 to 400-450 strabismus cases.


* Hemiparaplegia * Hemianesthesia - on the opposite side to the paralysis * Paralysis of voluntary muscles below level of lesion * Segmental atrophy at level of lesion * Sensory loss at level of lesion


There are a few classifications and potential causes for Brown syndrome. Congenital Brown syndrome could be caused by an inelastic muscle-tendon complex, differences of the superior oblique tendon fibers, abnormal inferior orbital attachments, and the posterior orbital bands. Brown syndrome has been researched more because it can be developed due to other diseases and disorders. A cause for scarring and adhesions is because during surgery you can receive scars from having a blepharoplasty, plastic surgery on the eye lid, and having fat removed. Reasons for the tightening or shortening of the superior oblique tendon are because of the muscles surrounding the tendon. An inelastic muscle would cause the tendon to shorten because its inflexible characteristic or a superior oblique tuck would because there is a section of the tendon removed.


The 'prognosis' of Brown-Sequard Syndrome usually refers to the likely outcome of Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The prognosis of Brown-Sequard Syndrome may include the duration of Brown-Sequard Syndrome, chances of complications of Brown-Sequard Syndrome, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Brown-Sequard Syndrome, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Brown-Sequard Syndrome. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.


Medical Care There are a few procedures that can be done to fix Brown Syndrome medically. When treating Brown Syndrome with medical care the goal is to release the mechanical limitation to elevation in the eye. Meaning to free the eye from the shortened tendon so it can move normally. This can be solved by using anti-inflammatory medication. The number one medication for this is simply Ibuprofen, the recommended dosage for adults is 400-800 mg and for infants is 5-10 mg. Another way to do this is to inject a steroid into the tochlea and oral corticosteroids. This is done because the trochlea and oral corticosteroids tend to limit movement and cause inflammation. Even if the inflammation is gone the patient may experience random occurrences.