Familial hypothyroidism


Familial hypothyroidism: Impaired thyroid activity that tends to run in families.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Familial hypothyroidism includes the 18 symptoms listed below: * Menstrual cycle abnormalities * Reduced sex drive * Memory problems * Irritability * Constipation * Depression * Muscle cramps * Muscle pain * Cold intolerance * Hair loss * Coarse hair * Dry hair * Rough skin * Pale skin * Dry skin * Increased weight * Weakness * Fatigue


* Coarse hair * Cold intolerance * Constipation * Depression * Dry hair * Dry skin * Fatigue * Hair loss * Increased weight * Irritability * Memory problems * Muscle cramps * Muscle pain * Pale skin * Rough skin * Weakness


These home medical tests may be relevant to Familial hypothyroidism: * Thyroid: Home Testing: o Home Thyroid Function Tests o Home TSH Tests o Home Adrenal Function Tests