Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness


Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness: A rare disorder characterized by deafness associated with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


* Diabetes * Profound sensorineural deafness * Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus * Deafness


1. Conductivehearing loss 1. Externalauditory canal disorders 1. Atresia of external auditory canal 2. Impacted cerumen 3. Otitis externa 4. Exostosis 5. Masses 2. Middle ear disorders 1. Acuteand chronic otitis media 2. Otitis media with effusion 3. Tympanic membrane perforation 4. Hemotympanum 5. Tympanosclerosis 6. Ossicular chain defect, disruption,or fixation 7. Cholesteatoma and other middle earmasses 2. Sensorineural hearing loss 1. Sensorineuralhearing loss without associated abnormalities 2. Sensorineural hearing loss with associatedabnormalities 3. Chromosomal disorders 4. Inner ear malformations 1. Labyrinthineaplasia 2. Common cavity malformation 3. Cochlear malformations 4. Large vestibular aqueduct 5. Prematurity 6. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 7. Bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus) 8. Infection 9. Trauma 10. Drugs 11. Perilymph fistula 12. Neoplasm 13. Ménière disease 14. Unknown 3. Mixed hearing loss


Home medical testing related to Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness: * High Cholesterol: Home Testing: o Home Cholesterol Tests o Home Triglycerides Tests o Home Blood Pressure Tests * High Blood Pressure: Home Testing o Home Blood Pressure Monitors o Home Heart Tests * Heart Health: Home Testing: o Heart Rate Monitors o Irregular Heartbeat Detection o Heart Electrocardiogram (ECG) * Thyroid: Home Testing: o Home Thyroid Function Tests o Home TSH Tests o Home Adrenal Function Tests * Ear Infections: Home Testing: o Home Ear Infection Tests o Home Ear Tests o Home Hearing Tests * Diet & Weight Loss: Home Testing: o Home Weight Testing o Home Body Fat Testing (BMI) o Home Body Fat Monitoring o Home Fitness Testing * Diabetes: Related Home Testing: o Home Diabetes Tests o Home Blood Glucose Tests o Home Urine Glucose Tests o Home Urine Ketone Tests o Home Diabetes HbA1c Tests o Home Microalbumin Tests (Kidney) o Home Urine Protein Tests (Kidney) o Home Kidney Tests o Home Eye Tests


* Womens Health Specialists: o Obstetrics & Gynecology o Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility o Gynecological Oncology o Maternal & Fetal Medicine o Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine