Melanoma of the choroid


Melanoma of the choroid: A type of eye cancer that occurs in the pigment-producing cells of the choroid which is a layer beneath the retina consisting mainly of blood vessels.


* Flashing lights * Distorted vision * Loss of vision * Floaters in vision * Blurred vision * Altered color perception


Home medical testing related to Melanoma of the choroid: * Colon & Rectal Cancer: Home Testing o Home Colorectal Cancer Tests o Home Fecal Occult Bleeding Tests


* Cancer Specialists: o Oncology (Cancer specialists) o Radiation Oncology o Pediatric Hematology / Oncology (Child Cancer/Leukemia) o Radiation Oncology (Diagnostic/X-rays) o Gynecological Oncology o Hematology (Blood/Leukemia Specialists) o Colon & Rectal Surgery * Skin Health Specialists (Dermatology): o Dermatology (Skin Health Specialists) o Dermatopathology o Pediatric Dermatology (Child Skin Health) o Dermatological Immunology / Diagnostic Laboratory