Mental retardation hypocupremia hypobetalipoproteinemia


Mental retardation - hypocupremia - hypobetalipoproteinemia: A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by mental retardation, low blood copper levels and low betalipoprotein levels in the blood.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Mental retardation - hypocupremia - hypobetalipoproteinemia includes the 11 symptoms listed below: Low blood betalipoprotein level Low blood copper level Mental retardation Ataxia Abnormal gait Movement disorder Night blindness Seizures Storage liver disease Infant feeding problems Liver storage disease Note that Mental retardation - hypocupremia - hypobetalipoproteinemia symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Mental retardation - hypocupremia - hypobetalipoproteinemia signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.


Home medical testing related to Mental retardation - hypocupremia - hypobetalipoproteinemia: Concentration -- Home Testing ADHD -- Home Testing Mental Health: Home Testing: Home Emotional Stress Tests