Oculo digital syndrome


Oculodentodigital syndrome (ODD syndrome) is an extremely rare genetic condition that typically results in small eyes, underdeveloped teeth, and syndactyly and malformation of the fourth and fifth fingers. It has also been called oculo-dento-digital syndrome, oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD), and oculodentoosseous dysplasia (ODOD). It is considered a kind of ectodermal dysplasia.


* Small eyes * Small corneas * Fine porous iris * Short opening between the eyelids * Epicanthal fold


ODD is commonly an autosomal dominant condition, but can be inherited as a recessive trait. It is generally believed to be caused by a mutation in the gene GJA1, which codes for the gap junction protein connexin 43. Slightly different mutations in this gene may explain the different way the condition manifests in different families. Most people inherit this condition from one of their parents, but new cases do arise through novel mutations. The mutation has high penetrance and variable expression, which means that nearly all people with the gene show signs of the condition, but these signs can range from very mild to very obvious