Pulmonary valve stenosis


Pulmonary valve stenosis is a valvular heart disease in which outflow of blood from the right ventricle of the heart is obstructed at the level of the pulmonic valve. This results in the reduction of flow of blood to the lungs. Valvular pulmonic stenosis accounts for 80% of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction.[1] While the most common cause of pulmonary valve stenosis is congenital heart disease, it may also be due to rheumatic heart disease or a malignant carcinoid tumor.[1]


Symptoms include jugular venous distention, cyanosis (usually visible in the nailbeds), right ventricular hypertrophy and general symptoms of lowered oxygenation of the blood. When the stenosis is mild, it can go unnoticed for many years. If stenosis is severe, you may see sudden fainting or dizziness if exercised too much, you may also experience an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) and swelling in the legs (edema).


Pulmonary valve stenosis is most often caused by a problem that occurs when the unborn baby (fetus) is developing. The cause is unknown, but genetics may play a role. Narrowing that occurs in the pulmonary valve is called pulmonary valve stenosis. Narrowing that occurs below the pulmonary valve is called subvalvar pulmonary stenosis. Another form of the condition, supravalvar pulmonary stenosis, is when narrowing occurs above the main pulmonary valve.


Valve replacement or surgical repair (depending upon whether the stenosis is in the valve or vessel) may be indicated. If the valve stenosis is of congenital origin, balloon valvuloplasty is another option. Depends on case.