Scoliosis as part of NF


Spinal curvature associated with a condition called neurofibromatosis. Roughly a quarter of patients with neurofibromatosis will develop scoliosis. Neurofibromatosis is a rare genetic disorder characterized by areas of increased and decreased skin pigmentation and the development of many benign nerve and skin tumors. The scoliosis may become severe enough to affect heart and lung function or may be relatively mild.


* Scoliosis * Hyperpigmented areas of skin * Hypopigmented areas of skin * Café au lait spots * Freckles in armpit * Freckles in inguinal folds * Freckles in perineum * Benign tumors * Large head * Short stature * Multiple benign skin tumors * Multiple benign nerve tumors * Optic nerve tumors


These home medical tests may be relevant to Scoliosis as part of NF: * Cold & Flu: Home Testing: * Home Fever Tests * Home Ear Infection Tests * Home Flu Tests