Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn


Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn: A rare blistering skin disorder that affects infants and is inherited in a dominant manner. The blistering usually only occurs during the first year of life. The blisters tend to occur mainly on the extremities and other parts of the body that receive more friction.


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The 'prognosis' of Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn usually refers to the likely outcome of Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn. The prognosis of Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn may include the duration of Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn, chances of complications of Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.