Mitochondrial Physiology and Medicine

An incredibly enriched and ambitious program has been developed including a speaker list that represents a veritable “Who’s Who” in mitochondrial research plus two internationally-acclaimed leaders in mitochondrial research and disease as keynote speakers: Drs. D. Clapham and D. Wallace, both members of National Academy of Sciences. The symposium will focus on 5 overarching themes: (1) mitochondrial morphology, movement, and dynamics, (2) mitochondrial systems biology, (3) mitochondrial ion channels and transporters, (4) mitochondrial communication and signaling, and (5) mitochondria in cell death and disease. These topics represent an integration of mitochondrial physiology and medicine from molecular to human levels with a special emphasis on the role of mitochondria as agents and therapeutic targets in combating disease. We expect that this conference will attract approximately 150-200 basic and clinical scientists across all career stages working at the cutting edge of mitochondrial research. The Society of General Physiologists and the members of organization committee are poised to ensure the success of this symposium. It is our aim that through open dialogue and communication, new and important ideas and novel therapies will emerge as a direct result of this timely meeting.

For more information please visit the Conference Website