The PBC Foundation

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The PBC Foundation is the only UK based organisation that specifically deals with PBC. We serve members in over 65 countries around the world.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) is an autoimmune condition which affects the liver. More information about PBC.


Our Trustees are responsible for the governance and strategy of the PBC Foundation. They are responsible for ensuring that we are administered properly and that we can account for our activities, spending and outcomes.

They must act in the interests of the charity; operate in a manner consistent with our purposes and values; act with due care and diligence, and ensure that we comply with the law, specifically acting within the provisions of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

Medical Advisory Board

Our Medical Advisory Board oversees our medical information. There is no information within any of our publications which has not been peer reviewed by at least some of our Medical Advisory Board.

They also peer review any research projects to be funded by the PBC Foundation to ensure they follow best practice, are relevant to current PBC issues, and are serving the best interests of our members, amongst many other criteria.


The PBC Foundation (UK) Ltd 

2 York Place 
Edinburgh, EH1 3EP United Kingdom 
Telephone: +0131-556-6811 